Thursday, October 02, 2003

Weirdo Number 1

Word of the day - Floccinaucinihilipilification

Some samples you may have heard.

So many random ideas. I started using the good old notebook recently and all I have got is a list of random ideas that need sorting. I did start quite a long poem on the bus home yesterday, which must have made me look like the weirdo that the Bus Companies are legally obliged to carry on every route. I was travelling back to Malvern from Liverpool on the train once when a middle-aged-lady in possession of a dangerous hairdo sat in the seat opposite me and talked continuously from Warrington to Birmingham. She was into Astrology (she picked the wrong person) and so I was assaulted with her manic obsessions on the subject and guesses about the star sign of each person in the carriage. I have to admit that she guessed mine correctly but then again she must have assaulted every person she met with this drivel and so had a 1 in 12 chance of being correct anyway. No letters please. It is all rubbish.

I am currently listening to a CD I have not heard in years (possibly 10) and I have to consider it the Naffest, most embarrassing pile of ick I own. I will not admit it straight away but answers on a postcard. Clues - A track dedicated to "Homeboy Phillip (sic) Glass and the Ozone Layer" and one of the instruments being "hairspray". I have said that in all the thousands of CDs I own there are not more than 4 that I would be prepared to get rid of. Well this is one of them. But then again ...... Oh no! The "experimental" track!

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