Thanks to the Spanish Air Force

Two great British institutions combined in one programme yesterday. Oliver Postgate narrating the story of the BBC radiophonic Workshop on BBC4. There wasn't much I didn’t know already but it was put together in the same string-and-sealing-wax way that the early RW tapes were done and so became a very powerful set of images to go with the sound. The crew behind Look Around You were also on commenting on how the workshop's music was exactly what they wanted for their spoof.

Are you the right age to remember the BBC's schools' programmes from the late sixties and early seventies.? Does that clock send you back to sitting cross-legged in the hall while waiting for some 15-minute gem on The Water Cycle. There was always one on the Water Cycle, using any number of stock shots of clouds, rain, rivers and sun. Quite powerful really.

Apologies for the lack of Friday Lunchtime blog. We were, almost to a man, trying to complete the minipops quiz. Do not start it during work or you are in danger of not doing any. It can be hacked without any password or special software but where is the joy in that?


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