The God of Small Things
Politics will never result in a solution that solves everything. There will just as much shouting and conflict between the parties when I die. Sometimes this makes me wonder why we bother but then I think that politics is like the Governor on a steam engine (Opinions may not be my own). It whizzes around with all that energy and stops the engine itself from going too fast and blowing up. I worry slightly that as control of the world seems to rest more and more with business rather than Government, that these controls are being eroded but maybe I am wrong. There was a programme on TV the other week in Johan Norberg argued that Globalisation is Good. I am afraid I did not watch it and should not really comment. There are arguments on both sides and while the argument goes on, we may yet have our governor. Anyway, long live political conflict. It seems these days that if you discount extremism on at least one side of the political spectrum, then politics itself does not result in splits along religious or racial divides which can only be a good thing and is why we should resist the spread of the aforementioned extremism. Having had trouble reading about the horrible things in "Time's Arrow", I do not want to see them happen again either forwards or backwards. For all their image makeovers and educated political leaders, do you not believe that the extreme right have a core support which will not think twice about the use of violence against the objects of their opinions? A sweet talking racist is still a racist.
This leads me onto my main idea for today that will in actual fact have to be my main idea for tomorrow. But to tease you my idea is The Moral Thermometer. Actually it should really be The Moral Swingometer. And with that Time's Arrow Pierces the Fickle target of Fate - as Humphrey Lyttelton might say. Bye.
PS. My favourite sign off was something like "The Dalek of Fate climbs down off the Dustbin of mistaken identity".
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