Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Even in Zen-Heaven

I'll be here until the end of time. Please come back sometime.

Music is :- Zooropa - U2

How did it get to November without me noticing? Every year we always comment on how the seasons have caught up with us. We have years to get used to the passing of the seasons and still we get caught unaware. Probably a product of our cosseted lives lived with no connection to the weather or the outdoors. We live at home and work and go to school in an atmosphere that does not change that much. I am looking at the quality of the light around me at the moment. This being an office, it is a harsh fluorescent light though contrasted to the wind outside, it is quite comforting. They give us work environments like sensory deprivation tanks; everything is laid on and the temperature is kept so as to remove all feelings of discomfort. It is a sort of numbness to keep us concentrated on the tasks they have set us to do. I keep thinking of the phrase 'bread and circuses'.

We have a month to do all the things we want to do.

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