Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Unity for Unity's Sake

The New Archbishop of Cantebury had made a few statements regarding the unity (or rather disunity) of the Church of England. As a Secular Humanist (as defined here) I suppose I should not get worked up about this but I cannot help feeling that all this break up of the Church due to the wrong type of Bishops is like arguing over how many Angels can fit on the head of a pin. I obviously want my own moral stance on the world to propagate throughout all human activity but surely religion should stick to its views. Modern thinking evaluates human actions differently and various religions have different takes on how much of that modern thinking should be part of the prescriptions of each religion. The bottom line here is that I don't get on with most religious thinking but I think that those of us who do should take our religion straight. To me it is all really just boy's arguments. There is a feeling that the more 'Eastern Religions' have a pragmatic attitude and allow beliefs to match with the world as a whole rather than just the world of humans. Western religions (and I am really using that term just because it is an opposite) seem to be made up of decisions made by small numbers of people and then dictated to the rest of the people. I have not read Marx but is this what he meant by "Religion is the Opium of the People"? We have enough laws put out by Government to cover the safety and well-being of all of use without having to have a different set of moral codes sent by a very few un-elected 'ministers of religion'.

Having said all this, my general moral outlook owes most to the teachings of the various Religious influences on it over the years. My mother apparently made a conscious effort to bring my brother and I up without Religious influences which went as far as not letting us have fairy tale stories though my grandmother redressed the balance. Maybe my moral outlook is the result of general respect for elders and betters. Of course we know now that we really haven't got any betters. I just got myself into a real twist trying to write something about how it seems that most people are stupider than you think. When I see the weirdoes with their piercings and tattoos and brandings, I am struck by how conventionally they actually think. Revolution in the Head!

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