Friday, September 19, 2003

Three Part Electronic Invention in Blue

I had an email confirming that Spirited Away was indeed Anime though I now know that the term Manga applies to the comic book versions. The BBC has an article about Spirited Away here.

I have read somewhere about a Tory MP who declared that if his party win the next election (This recent news makes this seem unlikely), they will force the BBC to close their web-sites and also BBC3. Now I am not a fan of BBC3 but it is aimed at people ten years younger than me (a depressing fact in itself) and is quite valid. Stuff which you might call rubbish on the BBC would be quality stuff on any other channel such is the relativism in the media these days. Going back to our Conservative friend, I cannot see why he wants to get rid of these things; even he admitted that the BBC's internet presence was good. Maybe is smacks to much of left-wing propaganda or it is not open to enough competition. I know there are plenty of anti-BBC web-sites - this one for instance - and maybe I am being naive but the BBC seems relatively benign in a media which seems to have a lot of nastiness as its main theme at the moment. Maybe it is the old Commercialism Good - Socialism Bad or maybe there is some lobbying going on in the back ground but remember this about the Tory party - the most recent widely reported event they were connected with was the launch party for the new film - Carry on London - in the House of Commons. (Epedemic of hyphens today).

It was pouring with rain when I left the house this morning and yet here the ground is dry. I have an image of my house with a small cloud continuously raining over it like the house where the Munster's lived. Or was it the Addam's Family? The rain has caught up with me now so maybe I am more like Daffy Duck with the small cloud following me. You didn't expect to read a page with The Tory Party and Daffy Duck did you? Or maybe that is a common association. Daffy Duck is certainly on TV more Iain Duncan Smith.

I am getting to that stage in life where I wonder about what my character actually is; how others see me. They worrying thing is that all the little mistakes seem to come floating to the top of memory and colouring how I see myself. Like the time I apparently drove through a red light when I was driving back home with my wife's cousin and only he noticed or how over the years I have tried to use uninflected received pronunciation and it turns out like some minor aristocrat. My colleagues, knowing the area where I grew up insist I have a Worcestershire accent (like Eddy Grundy in the Archers) and indeed I can still do that if I want. However all this leads me to think I am some form of bumbling Twerp like Carlton Browne or Terry Scott. I must add that I do not look like either of them, which must be a relief to my wife.

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