Friday, January 03, 2003


Illness made it impossible for us to visit my parents in Malvern over the holiday which made me quite disappointed; no matter what happens in your life, going home always seems to put things into true perspective. My wife and daughter were also quite upset not to be going and indeed I think my daughter especially has suffered through not going. A trip to Malvern is always an uplift; even if you don't actually go anywhere, life there is laid back when compared with this speedy metropolis even now that we have moved out right to the edge of the city.

Today is a random Friday. It does not feel that random simply because it is my first day back at work and the time is dragging so much. Did you know that the word 'Drag' when applied to female impersonators comes from the fact that in the early theatre, womone were played by boys and the clothes they wore were often too big for them and dragged on the floor? I need to read A Midsummer Night's Dream again. I think I can still tell you the plot even if I cannot remember any of the text. I can still remember Hal's soliloquy from Henry four part one - 'I know you all and will awhile uphold the unyoked humour of your idleness ...' And then his other leg fell from the ceiling and Spike said 'Here comes Part two'. Sounds like the punchline to a great joke and so it was. Only two months and this will be a year old and written on more days than not. That is more writing than I have ever done in one place before even on my thesis on Linked Cash machine networks and the Blue Cloud. None of them wanted to send me any information but I worked for one of them and got lots and lots despite the security. They will never admit it. Relativity is a cinch. Pythagoras never relaised that he would ebd up working out that did he. Harmonics and Triangles are the fundemental stuff of mathematics and yet they still crop up in almost everything. See if complex numbers last as long, or genetics or Germanium Diodes, Triodes and Nematodes. Nematodes and not actually worm-like creatures; they are small electronic components with the power to move themselves from one place to another within the circuit. Like writing code which writes code hey? I could stay asleep all day and my computer could write the code for me. This is the end.

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Control - April 2019

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