Thursday, August 04, 2005

Wolf Tone

New desk – new life.

I haven’t quite finished on resolution yet. Here are some notes I put down.

There is no resolution in daily life, either working or private. Happy people are either those who live their lives in such a structured manner that they don’t have unresolved issues or those who do not care. I am neither. Maybe you could solve the problem by just filling those needs which keep you alive and then by sitting around for the rest of the time.

The Sameness of Rooms on Different Floors.

On every one of the six floors in the building I used to work on there was a gents. It always struck me, when I was forced to use one on the floor above or the floor below me that the rooms looked almost identical but there was always the sense that you were lower or higher than the familiar one. Do humans possess a sense of absolute height in the same way you can perfect pitch or absolute direction (which indicates north wherever you are)?

Today I have also been thinking about how some emails sound in your head using the voice of the originator and some of them use a sort of general encyclopedia voice. Think about it next time you read a long email.

And finally in the notes, how about getting all this rubbish out of the way so I can dance and sing.

I actually meant ‘write poetry’ instead of ‘dance and sing’ but it scanned better.

So what about the real meat of today’s entry? I don’t think I have written as much for a long time, though that made me think of quality over quantity. The world is a strange place at the moment. Or is it? It is this strange all the time? To be honest the things to which I am referring are simply statistical blips in the general strangeness of things over all time. This sounds like the Hierophant’s column in Fortean Times. I have only just looked up what a Hierophant actually is and it is not what I thought – i.e. a sort of backwards skeptic in the general double-agent type world of FT. A priest hey?

The title for today? Wolf Tone. I was reading about how the note F# is called the Wolf note because in medieval times it sounded so much at odds with the rest of music that it was banned for a time by various religious authorities. The book didn’t actually say Wolf Tone but word association brought it to my mind even if I did think it was the nickname of some blues musician (maybe it is though Google knows nothing about him/her). This is another of my double puns which I like to collect – Three Piece Suit/Suite, Golf Club, Wolf/Wolfe Tone and many more which I am sure you can find. I expect that these phrases double up because they are easy to say and sound good and so get two meanings – double the sonority from a single phrase. Which reminds me in a tortured way of the joke about the three legged pig which saved the farmer's family by breaking down the doors, raising the alarm and calling the fire-brigade. Why did it have three legs? Because you don’t eat a pig like that all at once. Groan!

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