Let's Do The Show Right Here!
Well as you can see, Web Space has been found and pictures uploaded and guess where they are? Things have a habit of appearing quite easy in the end. I spent hours on a problem yesterday which involved a number of technologies. The solution in the end was two characters of code and a day's wait. Wonderful!
Is there a mood equivalent of what one of my flat mates called ‘a no weather day’? I am in it so there must be. He used to say that a cloudy day with no rain or wind was just that. Today with no ups or downs is my mood version of the same thing. It is not a no-weather day to go with it – maybe both is the equivalent of being number one in both singles and album charts.
I am afraid I have temporarily jettisoned The Ancestor’s Tale to complete one of the books I took with me to Malvern. My daughter got me the Dead Famous Life of Roald Dahl and that prompted me to whistle through Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which she had with her. I then went on to start The Midwich Cuckoos again. John Wyndham has a knack of making what everyone thinks is supposed to be Science Fiction and making it into a tale of everyday life. Or maybe it’s the other way round. Anyway, you think this is a book about village life in England in the late fifties. However, look at the picture on the cover of the Penguin Classic edition and the real sense of what is going on is behind that baby’s eye. My wife has not read it and has expressed interest. This is unusual.
Well as you can see, Web Space has been found and pictures uploaded and guess where they are? Things have a habit of appearing quite easy in the end. I spent hours on a problem yesterday which involved a number of technologies. The solution in the end was two characters of code and a day's wait. Wonderful!
Is there a mood equivalent of what one of my flat mates called ‘a no weather day’? I am in it so there must be. He used to say that a cloudy day with no rain or wind was just that. Today with no ups or downs is my mood version of the same thing. It is not a no-weather day to go with it – maybe both is the equivalent of being number one in both singles and album charts.
I am afraid I have temporarily jettisoned The Ancestor’s Tale to complete one of the books I took with me to Malvern. My daughter got me the Dead Famous Life of Roald Dahl and that prompted me to whistle through Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which she had with her. I then went on to start The Midwich Cuckoos again. John Wyndham has a knack of making what everyone thinks is supposed to be Science Fiction and making it into a tale of everyday life. Or maybe it’s the other way round. Anyway, you think this is a book about village life in England in the late fifties. However, look at the picture on the cover of the Penguin Classic edition and the real sense of what is going on is behind that baby’s eye. My wife has not read it and has expressed interest. This is unusual.