Thursday, April 21, 2005

You Never Expected Me To Talk About This

I got the two top talking points on the BBC mixed up yesterday. One was thoughts on the new Pope and the other on the new Doctor. Make up your own jokes here.

What is serious and really bugs me is Benedict XVI's railing against moral relativism with the implication that things should stay as they are. Bearing in mind Joseph Ratzinger's previous job as head of the organisation within the Church supposedly descended from the Inquisition, then some form of relativism must have occurred over the years. Or was Torquemada really a puppy? Having read a tiny amount for research I have found that at least one Pope did protest about the free use of torture. The fact remains, what has been seen as morally correct has changed beyond recognition over 2000 years. I can't be bothered to debate this with myself but I will leave the topic with a remark about the confession of an Argentinian Naval officer who used to throw people out of planes and said that the Military priests justified these acts by saying that they were following the Biblical proverb of getting rid of weeds. Read the article here. I'm all for moral relativism. Maybe one day I'll understand what it means.

Humani iuris et naturalis potestatis, unicuique quod putaverit colere, nec alii obest aut prodest alterius religio. Sed nec religionis est religionem colere, quae sponte suscipi debeat, non vi.

Have I missed a point? I probably have being an uneducated oik in the face of such Theological depth; just what we need these days.

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