Bangers Out!
I don't often blog stuff in any detail about work but we all received an email regarding the staff cafe this morning. Apparently due to circumstnaces beyond control, there will be no sausages available tomorrow and Friday. However, there will be extra bacon to make up for it. That was right after the emails from Koffi, Tony and George asking me to mediate over the oil-for-food debacle. Maybe that should be food-for-oil. I told them that a can of crude for a Chicken-Tikka batch would go down rather well but as yet I have had no reply.
A non-work related discussion in a meeting I was at yesterday got on to the various names for roundish, bread-based products. As there were a number of people from various regions of airstrip one, the regional names for lunchtime bakery products came thick and fast though I think the scouse 'nudger' won on pure double-entendre value. Wonder if it has anything to do with Glen Matlock? I do apologise if you know what that means and if you don't then it's maybe not a good idea to try and find out.
Let's try and raise the intellectual value a little bit. The score for Six Pianos came yesterday and having followed it with the music playing, I don't see any real problems. Watch this space. Well - listen to this space.
No Sausages! No Spellcheck!
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