Eppur Si Muove
It is unfortunate that I was stirred this morning in my anti-paranormal fug, by music from U2 who, as is clear from their latest album, are still driven by religious feelings. The Guardian has a list of responses from eminent scientists regarding what they think everyone should learn about science. I have found myself feeling slightly weary of Richard Dawkins' verve regarding Darwinian natural selection over Creationism and Intelligent design though I still agree with him completely - well put my trust in his obviously vastly superior intellect. It sounds like some form of religious statement about him doesn't it. Oh dear! He's not the Messiah! He's a very naughty boy!
We watched the new Quatermass yesterday and it was very good up until the final 15 minutes. Production was impeccable allowing for it being live but it suffered from having to stick reasonably close to the original script which made the ending somewhat less than satisfying; all smiles without any real proof that the world was safe. And some of the extras took it upon themselves to swear a lot in the background. Now if it had been written by John Wyndham, the ending would have been a corker.
I have decided that today is Talk Like A Triffid day.
Knock Knock Knock Knock - Swish.
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