Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kaitei Shōnen Marin

Marine Boy is probably the first cartoon I remember so it's nice to hear that delightful theme tune once again. The animation looks quite good for a throwaway kids show but when you are six, the quality doesn't seem to matter. Avatar is basically an animation which has gone to extremes of reality and while I think it may be jaw-dropping at the start, it must just be more of the same after a while. I stand to be corrected as I know that it's a special sort of 3D as well so we might get to see it.

So what other nostalgia can I find out there. How about this B-side from OMD - Julia's Song which was on an earlier album but re-recorded I think for the flip of Talking Loud and Clear. And though I know it all came out of a single computer (maybe not the bass but you never know) - they even talked about being able to manipulate single notes of the playback - but it has a warm feel to it even if the lyrics are nonsense - thank you Julia. Turn it up loud and live back in the emotional eighties.

Back to Dawkins last night. I've read so much of it since last time that I cannot pick out a particular theme but all of it has been interesting enough to keep me going beyond RD's snide asides. I would prefer the book to be a straight run-through of the issues rather than having to put up with the mad staring eyes and "See! Do You SEE! Juts look! Go on! Tell me what you cannot see!" rants. Having said that there is great clarity in his descriptions, nothing of any obscure complexity and quite a lot unfamiliar to me. The mathematical transformation of the shells of crustaceans and mammal skeletons seems like something try in my enoesque quest.

Oh - and biomorphs.

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