Wednesday, January 13, 2010

As You Twist And Use Them

Quota Photo of snow. I took the tripod out at about 10:30 on the day before Christmas Eve and got this. It had all gone by the next night which was a bit of a disappointment but with the redux we are all beginning to get a bit fed up with it all. It is currently difficult to distinguish the view out of the office window from a black-and-white photo which is slightly weird. And of course proves that all I do is complain about the weather.

Some people however have taken complaining about the weather to extremes with extensive rants about the failure of the Met Office's new 170 Million Quid computer failing to predict the cold winter after also getting the Summer forecast so wrong. Weather is basically chaos and the further you get from the starting point the less accurate any forecast is going to be. Any of the pine-cone/Seaweed brigade who happened to forecast the snow did it by chance. Like the scam involving predicting football results by sending out smaller numbers of predictions to those who received the correct results the previous week, you can pick and choose which forecaster to use when that one gets the right result.

Oh dear. I wanted to write a blurry, poetic post today - something to go with the darkness of my review of Hope In A Darkened Heart and all you get is a reactionary rant against the weather and its forecasters. I'm the Anti-Matter Melanie Phillips. Her trajectory across the traditional boundaries of politics seems to me the most disappointing though probably present in quite a few major historical figures - liberal in your heart but conservative in your head (maybe they should have capitals but I can't be bothered) which I think is Churchill (again I just can't be bothered).

Och a Vay!

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