Monday, November 21, 2005

Is He?

Listening to something by The Cocteau Twins. 4AD is 25 years old this year.

I took the kids for a walk yesterday afternoon. Much time was spent trying to discourage the youngest from climbing on walls which gets very tiring. He will raise his legs up so that he hangs from the reins until he is picked up and carried. When he realises that being able to pick things up is much more interesting than being able to see over fences into people’s gardens, he wants to walk again and the cycle restarts. All this is just background to the horrific revelation I had while walking by the Off-Licence. They were selling Victory Gin, which was the name of that horrible rocket fuel that was the only comestible in plentiful supply in the world portrayed in nineteen-eighty-four. This discovery of course made me, to some extent paranoid and think that I might be dreaming. I almost went in to see the label on the bottle to check whether it had anything remotely suggesting totalitarianism. I cannot find any web-reference to a real brand thought there is an indy band from New Jersey with that name. As you can guess, I am not happy about any of this.

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