Friday, November 04, 2005

Go Here and Look For Eddie Izzard

All will be explained - I hope.

Listening to Triple Quartet by Steve Reich.

Shakiness and Osciallation have subsided, returned and gone (nearly). I'm not really that bothered about writing at the moment but today is the emotional equivalent of what a flatmate used to call a 'No Weather Day' and I thought I would power through the curtain of indifference, knock over the Dalek of Fate as it mounts the dustbin of mistaken identity and write something. I have just read this review of Stephen Fry's new book about writing poetry. I was going to get it despite my recent view that Mr. Fry is crumbling slightly in the cheerful egghead stakes. Ruth Padel has a real go at him, and the book seems that it might just be another way for Stephen the Classicist, to Smash The Oiks. Well as a fully paid-up oik, I won't be buying this book and I will do everything in my power to help Alan Davies win an episode of QI. The Star's Tennis Balls was pretty dire really as well. There may be a syllepsis too-many in there somewhere or some such pernickety Eng-lang over-construction.

No Spell Check, you pompous twonk!

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