Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Me NotTheCoolPerson - a Steady-State Personality

It was misty here this morning. Being this high up is quite weird when you can't see the ground. It feels like we are on a mountain ledge on some cool summer climb with no target visible and no sight of where we have come from. This is a bit like my mind at the moment, no visible targets there either. There is a point in here somewhere though I can't see any clue as to what it is. I feel cut loose from causality, as if there has been no start to what I am doing right now and no definite end. The "Fred Hoyle" state of mind I suppose you could call it. For some strange reason, everything around seems to be slightly warm to the touch but that may be me. Like the joke about the man who goes to the doctor saying that it hurts wherever he touched on his body. It turns out of course, that the pain is in his finger.

I have been looking back over the pretentious rants of the last few weeks and it is time I calmed down a bit. I should do like certain bloggers I have seen and stop altogether but I'm not sure I could. By the way, for certain other bloggers, Kate Winslet was not in Casualty in 1986 but more like 1993. I used to live around the corner from where they filmed a lot of it - The Brunel Tech building in Bristol which is also just up the road from where the exterior scenes of The Young Ones were filmed, not that I lived like them - much. Maybe, just at the time, I though that Rick's poems (people's poet) were actually quite good. Well they were better than mine at the time.

I have looked up an Oblique Strategy and it was "Voice Your Suspicions". Now my suspicions rarely stay unvoiced. No! That's not true; there are plenty of deep, dark thoughts about all sorts of things hidden away. I am sure we are all like that which is probably not too healthy for us. Which of these can I put down here. I could be self-righteous (and egotistical) and put down some self-deprecatory stuff about myself but I hope that all my faults are plainly visible here already. So today I have been mostly having suspicions about Piers Morgan. There! Voiced enough for you? Thank you Brian Eno.

Dull and Duller! Off for a quick poem!

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