Monday, September 09, 2002

Mural Morals

Back to the Abbot House. I was carrying my daughter in her backpack when we visited as she was only quite small and her language abilities didn't match her ambitions. In the Presence Chamber on the second floor, she babbled away at the ceiling and though it was really the gold light fittings which had caught her eye, it did seem as if she was trying to talk to someone we couldn't see. There is also a 16th Century Mural in this room which is quite damaged and the overall subject is unknown. We were fascinated by it and tried hard to remember it all so we could try and work out what it was about. I had some idea that it was like a mural we had seen in Marston Church in Chesire. It seemed to be some depiction of Classical Mythology but with 16th Century Fashions. I don't know what we expected to find out about it, if the experts at the house were still baffled. Dunfermline Abbey is also interesting because of the name of Robert The Bruce incorporated into the walls around the top of the tower. I have just spent ten minutes looking for the correct term for this but with no luck but I did find this :-

(From Department of the HISTORY of ART in Sweden)

Another of those sites which just look excellent when you skim over them in Google Image Seach. Why did they name it Google? Just because it's big doesn't necessarily means it's good but if the Chinese Government are blocking it then it must be useful. Lets not go to any Chinese Government web-sites today. Not that I have ever been to any Chinese Government web-sites ever but that is not the point is it? If you don't want to go to a Chinese Government Web-site then Don't click here.


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