Tuesday, September 10, 2002
The dissatisfied Socrates
The Office starts again this month and I have just read this Interview with Ricky Gervais which is deep and funny and you must finish reading it. What three things would you save in a fire?
My stack - and it it is a stack in the IT sense, of books has grown larger. I popped a couple of books off it last week but another has already gone on. I do occasionally finish one but maybe I should document the entire lifetime of book-reading just so that I am aware of how awful this behaviour is. This reminds me that I found a copy of the first book I ever remember reading, in the garage. Where else? It is a simplified version of Peter Pan with the illustrations by Mabel Lucie Attwell (This is the exact edition). My copy is a bit battered but the drawings have tracing paper leaves over them which gives them a nice artifacty feel. It may be because its attraction didn't last as long as some of the books which we wrecked, but it is almost intact. I was very young when I read it first. Anyway, I wasn't really serious about that stack document. There was a time when I would force myself through to the end of the most boring book (Treasure Island) but I suppose that dumping a book before you have finished it is the best argument for libraries ever.
Personally, I seem to be revelling in all this nostalgia. I have noticed that the BBC seems to be rolling out old sitcoms. Maybe it is a reaction to recent events. I have to say again, that the world other than the Western world has had to put up with tradgedies of a far greater impact than anything we have experienced. Just because it happens to us, makes it alright to cry and scream about how not fair it was. I don't want it to seem like I support anything bad because I certainly don't; the people who do bad things are evil, but it seems insulting to say that just because the victims were predominantly from Western Countries, that we have to cry and scream about it for so long. A million people died in Rawanda, Thousands lose limbs every year because of landmines and the rest of the world doesn't make a fuss. You could say that the 'fuss' is because of the retaliatory 'fuss' which will be made by the victims' countries but think of the fuss the rest of the world could make and don't. Keep on doing it and the 'fuss' will materialise. Is that what you want? Because thats what you'll get.
I Love Everybody
No Change is Sexy
I wanted to link to the first song but the page seques into the second one and the words got me so in it goes.
Not all 'No Change' is sexy. Some change is really sexy indeed.
Control - April 2019
‘It had nothing to do with me, but I couldn’t help wondering what it would be like, being burned alive all along your nerves.’ I. The Dispos...
Another weekend, another trip to the beach, another dead seagull. Oh ... and a starfish. Actually several which my daughter decided needed t...
Literature on the move I have a Palm. I was always a bit sceptical about ebooks on the Palm but I am a convert. I am already half way...
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