Monday, September 13, 2010

Sporadic Dorado Implosions

Oh doesn't he look grainy over there? Anywhere somewhere in this audio you will find RD talking to David Attenborough about all sorts of things. What is it that makes Dawkins so divisive compared to David Attenborough - they both seem equally calm so I suppose it is just the militant atheism isn't it. The fact is he doesn't advocate anything violent - and while I am sure he has remained silent on the recent Koranic Libricide, I am sure he thinks that the whole episode was just a provocative stand by a well-known idiot. I suppose there haven't yet been worldwide demonstrations against Dawkins but there are probably a few nutters out there who would happily kill him for peanuts judging by the anger that he receives via email.

Oh dear - I shouldn't be bothered by such idiocy should I? It should be filed and forgotten under "people are stupid".

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