Arthur Megapode's Cheap Show
FACT yesterday for the afternoon showing of Creation. Very Guardian Weekend, coffee, free wifi and settees to consume it all at but we don't want to talk about that do we? The real show was the film and my fears of it being over sentimental were unfounded. The trailer condensed all the embarrassing lines ("You've killed God sir!") into a single minute and so when they came separated by the dreamlike, ghostly tale of Darwin and his daughter, they didn't seem so bad. It demonstrated the randomness of our existence linked (via time lapse of the rotting body of a bird) to the randomness of life on Earth, the unfairness of the death of a good and clever child in the face of the survival of so much ignorance. It was beautifully shot and paced, acted with brilliance and helped by a sound system so perfect that I felt I was there. The only fault was to use Bradford on Avon as a stand-in for Malvern. It was clearly not Malvern but I suppose is more photogenic. Not too much of a distraction except that I grew up there.