Twice Bjorn

Beautiful song from Robyn Hitchcock on the Today Website of all places. He is of course a fun guy to be with.

Well ... apologies for that. What's the real business of the day? The notebook is empty apart from the number of a spare part we need to order. The mind is likewise save for the ear-worm of something very loud and repetitive by FBS, which really needs removing with something soothing. I have just realised that my recent sonnets have played fast-and-loose with standard form in that the first four lines need the same rhyme scheme as the second four ie. abbaabba. I'm not that worried as I am pretty certain that The Poetry Police (a division of the Cultural Bureau of Investigation along the lines of The Folk Police) have not yet been armed with anything more dangerous than a frilly shirt and a pale complexion though of course in the wrong hands even those can be fatal.


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