
I have to mention the Time Team special about the World War I dugout between Ypres and Passchendaele. Time Team programmes always seem a bit whimsical due to the length of time that passes between things being buried and them being dug up but this one of course was a little more respectful. There were no comedy regional accents and there was a real sense of connection to the men who actually dug the thing 90+ years ago. Time Team does not often get the chance to show their discoveries to the relatives of those involved in the construction of sites; it is nice to see a time line.

I was thinking that maybe a picture of Tony Robinson from a comedy show would be a little disrespectful but he did actually look quite cool in Blackadder 4 and the show did of course make serious points for men still living. This has made me think further about using individuals to represent generations which links back to my rant about arbitrary times being marked as special.


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