Monday, March 31, 2008

Your Lossless Adjectivisation Is Showing

Listening to Machine Gun by Porus'ead

I think this may be called Machine Gun after a track of the same name by Peter Brotzmann which sounds remarkably similar, but then again who knows the differences between various machine guns anyway? Just for interest here is a list of the other music which gets displayed with Peter Brotzmann on - Nipples by PB - For Alto by Anthony Braxton - Pakistani Pomade by Alexander Von Slippenbach and AMMMusic by AMM. Realtime notes - I just started Dummy playing and a mobile phone went off with the theme from the Southbank Show - the younger Lloyd Webber's cello thingy - got a might confused - didn't fit in with Dummy at all. Anyway - Portishead's Machine Gun - Heavy rhythm track and very little else save for singing - a few bits of wailing analogue stuff at the end and a gradual increase in what I think is flanging. This would be very much at home on a Wiretapper CD. Would not have bothered any more than 8 tracks - probly. Not like Dummy but then again was anyone expecting it to be? Wife does not like it - she won't say but I can tell. Anyway - downloading this one track required that it was put to a CD along with a collection of similar sounding stuff so I trawled the outer reaches of "My Music" and came up with a gratifyingly consistent collection of stuff. Trouble is that I did not bother to record what they were and some of them have been played so little that sometimes I can't remember the artist let alone the album/single. Lush are on there and a remix of one of Kristin Hersh's recent releases. And there are a few Wiretapper things - mostly stuff with a strangely-treated beat which was my subconscious criterion for selection. "Stuff" is of course the proper way for people to describe their music.

Rambling again. I must be dizzy with hunger and oxygen. Speedbath by Kristin Hersh is very good and you can actually get it for free though if you like it a one-off payment might be an idea. Might be me in there somewhere - not sure where I am at the moment - the desk seems to be in a little world of its own. Dreamed I was on board a plane destined to crash yesterday - waiting for the horrible moment of impact that never came - trying to imagine the thump of metal into me, the crush of collapsing airframe slicing me up. Strangely not that worried when I woke up - usually I lie awake trying to get a handle on how lucky I am not to be really involved in what I dreamed of but this time the resolution was easy and quick. I went straight off to sleep again. The dream world is kind at the moment - the discrepancy between good and bad is wide and is easy to come to terms with.

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