The Major-General And The Leviathan
Poor Charlotte Green - but she does have form. Anyway I challenge anyone not to laugh when they have to sit across the room from Jim Naughtie. Ahh! Would that it were! I remember Brian Redhead. I may have dreamed this but I think he did some promotional work for one of the ex-incarnations of a company I once worked for and was actually in our office .. but that might have been Geoffrey Wheeler.
A very fine ending to Mitchell and Webb there was last night - to be all Yoda-ish about it. Especially liked the Numberwang night - Bertrand Russell was notably fine. Have I ever told you that my aunt has had tea with him? I have? Oh well.
Notebook randomness for today includes - Mr. UNC - Speed and Sleep - Frat Boys and Heroes - Solardip - Hard work on the recall front - Redo DDE for Smarterm - Today for Drones. I do know what it all means but it makes for some sort of loose poem when seen together. I don't seem to have any real poetry at the moment - there may be a chemical reason for this but I'm not sure. I just don't seem to have the attention to take any of the many ideas further than just being a simple thought. I have been thinking about the technicals of poetry and have been considering getting Stephen Fry's The Ode Less Travelled out of the library again but it just makes me feel a bit constrained. However, to write proper free-verse one has to know the basics in exactly the same way that the best abstract artists can actually draw. It is obvious when someone has the basics of how to assemble form even if that form is impressionistic, surreal or just plain strange. Making art for the sake of a statement is pointless unless you can also make art for the sake of art. Of course sometimes it just happens without any attempt at either. I have failed to be able draw properly for many years though I like to think I can hang a few components together to make a pleasing and inviting piece of software so some sort of artistic sensibility exists somewhere around.