Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wiseman - du Sautoy - Singh

There is a hole in my notebook where the desk shows through. Actually there is a drawing of a hole in my notebook enclosing a drawing of the desk, so it only ever works when the book is on the desk. Not sure why I am mentioning this at all though I have been trying to find something worthy of putting up here and not finding anything remotely interesting.

I am trying to develop a personal framework for my new-found enlightened ignorance. I would hope that this does not stop me learning new things but that it will make me realise that knowing these things is not that important. Learning for its own sake is not good - it should be that the more you learn the more you know about what you don't know. This resonates with my childhood delirium which was induced by thinking about everything and nothing - contemplating the entire universe in one thought and then the infinitesimal in the next, switching back and forth between the two like an infinite loop requiring a wetware reboot. I don't think it was quite petit mal though as we now have to call this an Absence Seizure then maybe it was. The description doesn't sound far off being a simple period of complex concentration. No - too far - what I had was just anxiety at not being able to understand what I was thinking about. Now I know that this does not matter at all and should be cultivated as proof of the size of the universe. My head feels quite full but this may just be the weather rather than any laser-like alignment of neural impulses.

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