The Marvellous, Mechanical Panopticon
This title is a place marker because last night after reading the chapter in 42 that mentioned the Panopticon, I thought of the most amusing and wonderful title for today's entry and then failed completely to record it anywhere, including, it seems, my brain. It is a place marker in the style of the weird phrases used by Beck on Odelay which we now discover were just nonsense to fit the music to. Of course Oasis did this first.
The notebook has an entry which just says "A Pitta Bread Clip!" followed by one which says "She ain't no Tom Waits." Forgetting brilliant blog titles seems to not be the only problem with memory I am having as both of these phrases are completely meaningless.
Advanced warning of the next book - Proust And The Squid by Maryanne Wolf - A book about how the brain operates when reading. The Author was on Open Book yesterday afternoon and seemed to be smiling all the time - don't ask me how you can work this out on radio - you just can. It nearly put me off but the actual content was enough to make me interested. trouble is, all I can see now is Proust feeding little bits of sweet biscuit to a ... er .... squid which is surely not the image the author wants to promote for a serious book about the science of reading. I will never read Proust. No single life can encompass both Ulysses and Proust - it's like the ultimate answer and the ultimate question. They cannot exist in the same universe.
It's true. It really is.