Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Listening to - The Last Broadcast - Doves

I'm going to carry on making my mind up about people in seconds. Why do we decide on whether we like someone within seconds of the first time they open their mouth or even just see them? Sometimes it is entirely possible to dislike someone just from a photograph. I suppose it doesn't happen that often. It must be strong personality that does this to a person's body-language/smug face. I cannot think of many high-ups who you might know who do this. Most politicians have to speak before it becomes clear how dislikeable (or likeable) they actually are. Geoff Hoon is probably the exception. It irks me that someone with intelligence and education way beyond mine gives an instant impression of uselessness. That is my problem I suppose. Should have listend in school and I could have become that annoying - self assured instead of the gauche thicky that I am.

".. and because I am happy and dance and sing, they think they have done me no injury."

Problems? What Problems?

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