Slow waltzes across the plains of North America
Some slow music on the headphones has linked up with the pictures from 1980 on some Blog I was reading. Imagine the ability to see the past as it was and link it up with how you feel right now. It is always possible. One day, all time will be one thing; we will live at every moment and know everyone.
When I was younger, nothing really phased me; I was never bothered by the more harrowing news stories as they did not affect me or anything connected to me. Now, with responsibilities, I find myself upset by the strangest things. I just read this article about a young whale in Hong Kong. The thought of just one whale going through this pain and loneliness is enough but when I extended it to the pain that will be created by the re-commencement of whaling, I was quite shaken. Iceland is still maintaining the charade of scientific research for this but can you see the smirk on the face of the Commissioner as he says that Iceland must understand how the Whales affect the fish stocks. Fish stocks are low because of man, not whales. In true James Burke connections style, this leads me on to how the Japanese pay out huge amounts of money to developing nations in order to buy their votes on the International Whaling Commission. If the moratorium is ended (and I am not sure of its current status anyway) I can forsee big battles on the ocean.
By the way, I found the article because the photographer was at the same school as me.
If you must see a New Zealand film this year then don't make it the obvious one. See Whalerider instead. It hasn't been on round here yet, the closest I can find it is in Bolton and that is 30 miles away. Video! What a wonderful invention.
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