Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Scintillating Spirogyra

Hi there Peter! Nice to see you have some time to visit.

Did you think you were going to get a Jazz record (well of sorts I suppose)?

Actual soundtrack for today is currently :-

The Guitar and Other Machines - The Durutti Column

and :-

Blue - Terje Rypdal and the Chasers

My wife tells me that my trip to Bletchley Park where I last saw the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight was in June last year which means that I have been blogging for longer than I thought. I have got used to the new format very quickly and my wife says she is happier with this layout because it is easier to read. I just liked the implication of detail which the old template had, simply because the text was smaller. It looked like some sort of technical document but it didn't draw you into actually wanting to read it.

The heat just removes any possibility of thinking of anything important. I have found this article about starless galaxies (made out of gas which failed to coalesce to save you clicking on the link). It has made me think again at how wonderful the BBC actually is. For an MP to compare the BBC to Enron is quite awful but it is only to be expected at the moment with the current spat between BBC news and the Government. Is is not the role of the media to uncover inconsistencies in the behaviour of Governments. For the Government (and you know who I really mean here) to simply stonewall the accusations is just unforgiveable. There seem to be so many u-turns that it is difficult to sort out what today's reason for going to war actually is. First it was about Weapons and when they couldn't find any it was about liberating the Iraqi people (bearing in mind that it seems quite a lot of them still want to be liberated). I suspect that the real reason was to secure a small mine in the mountains of Northern iraq which produces small amounts of a chemcial necessary for some new super invention. Oh no! Sorry! That was the plot of Raise the Titanic.

I loved the line from Donald Rumsfeld regarding how 9/11 affected the US's view of Weapons of Mass Destruction. :-

"The coalition did not act in Iraq because we had discovered dramatic new evidence of Iraq's pursuit of weapons of mass destruction. We acted because we saw the evidence in a dramatic new light - through the prism of our experience on 9/11,"

I leave you to make up your own mind on this. Funny prism though. I bet Newton didn't have one like that. The bottom line being that No Weapon of Mass Destruction (as defined by popular meaning of the phrase) has ever been used in anger in the continental US and talking about them like this can, at best divert attention from the real dangers and at worst give people ideas. The phrase itself is on the Lake Superior State University Banished Words List. I am bored with whole thing. Wake we up when something happens.


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