Tuesday, July 29, 2003

From Chicago to New York

Got the Orwell book last night and watched the South Bank show special on Orwell (by the author of this book). Well that is reading log over with for the day. We float.

I dreamed about Bali last night though as usual it was not the real Bali, more some sandy, watery oceanic island with elements of the South of France about it. Rather strange to say the least. In the dream, I found a rough sketch, which was supposed to be Queen Elizabeth I during a visit to the island. Now I don't think Queen Elizabeth I ever left this country (was she at the Field of the Cloth of Gold with her father?) so that was rather interesting. It wasn't a bad dream, apart from the normal worry that I have been on a plane to get there and I have to get on one to go back. It was the flight back from Bali which made me frightened of flying so maybe this is trying to tell me that I will never be able to go back unless I get on a plane.

I can't find anything about Elizabeth I being at the Field of the Cloth of Gold.

Totally blank now. At this point I always remember that there was something really important to write down but that I have forgotten the details. Sometimes I will have an impression of what it is about but will not recall enough detail to set it down.

Aha! I have just remembered something. I worry about the implication of Chaos theory with regard to Genetic engineering. I may have mentioned this in previous entries. I took this to an ultimate end for the human race. This end is not that our species will die out, but that we all end up the same, like the Midwich Cuckoos. Even though we will all have normal intelligence and not be mentally deficient, we will be incapable of adjusting to the fact that everyone is the same. Society will collapse because there will not be enough variation to sustain changes in how humans interact and react to events around them. This will be in the same way that species die out if they do not Physically adapt to events and their environment.

I have not yet worked out how small genetically engineered changes could cause this to happen, but it just seems a logical possibility if you think about how small genetic changes can build up. Even if this does not happen, I suspect that some bomb-shell mutation in whatever species we engineer will cause some form of catastrophe. Fear it and don't buy genetically engineered produce.

Read this and get annoyed. Well I know I should not editorialise and direct juries but the fact that the US cannot deal with its own waste seems rather unacceptable. 200 jobs for 200 lives. Do you think 200 extra people dead because of these ships is possible? I do. I can be as partisan as you want here but I really think that countries responsible for pollution should also be responsible for clearing it up.

Oh for the open road and the haunt of the Seamew.

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Control - April 2019

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