I had to get the train and bus to work today and just near the site I took a short cut across the four lane highway and had to walk for a few metres down the central reservation (Something I always thought was an American word). It suddenly struck me as to how different everything looked from that point of view. It was quite disconcerting to see somewhere you have walked by or driven by for most of the past 17 years in a completely different way. I don't want to read anything into this, just to draw attention to the phenomena (though that seems to be promoting the experience beyond what it deserves). Try looking at a familiar room in a mirror. Just the act of reflection can really change the way you feel about a place. Try it in the horizontal plane as well and you get a "living on the ceiling" effect. I know! I am back to hanging upside down and imagining the clouds as islands. Still, I can tell you have not tried it yet so off to the park. Maybe not! We don't want any injuries.
It was a lovely atmosphere though even in the middle of the road; trees dripping and the air not too hot and not too cold. Summer in this country can be nice but it can be horrible. That is glib statement number 1 or a series of several hundred - like the lost consonants, they will go on forever. Actually more like ordering a series of books from Time-Life; they never tell you when the last one will come out so you do not know how much it is going to cost.
Martin (yes! he is still here and still misanthropic in the extreme has found a wonderful site by Mil Millington who also writes in the Guardian though never in the Mail on Sunday (what is the Internet sign for crossed fingers?). I now need a long time to read all of it but my colleagues are wondering what all the sniggering is about which I suppose makes a change from the Quasimodo-style dribbling which they normally have to put up with.
On Heads. Now!
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