Progress for Progress' sake
Why would anyone be nostalgic for a war?. I suppose if you were on a remote island like in "Whiskey Galore" or "Back Room Boy" it might be alright but why do people want to go back to nightly bombings and wet air-raid shelters? It is just a longing for a perceived cameraderie and a time which is "better than now". We have a better standard of living here than at any time in living memory so it must be a dislike of change. Change is a good thing if it makes things better. Unfortunately, lots of changes in the world today are for the sake of doing something rather than to actually make things better. (See "Papanek") It is so easy to make things better but so much easier to carry out all the tacky,low-level stuff which drives us all mad. I may be being paranoid but I think many complex things which come about because of change are smply to cover things up - the instigator's lack of in-depth knowledge (Doctor Invincibilis is hovering on the horizon again), the fact that something un-ethical or downright illegal is going on or that you have just done something because you must be seen to do something. Don't do it. Make your life simple. Eat a Peach. Go on. I dare you. Thomas Stearns would.
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