Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wave After Glorious Wave of Deja Vu

A fact to start with - though obviously you can dispute the source if you feel like it. The World Health Organisation (WHO?) put health care in the UK at the 18th best in the world while that in the USA at 37th. Life expectancy and mortality rates in the UK are marginally better than the USA. I start with this because of the campaign against the NHS as part of the opposition to Barack Obama's proposed health care reforms. Please don't take my temperature anytime soon. I'll just go back to my hovel and die of something treatable. I wonder if there is an operation to stop one's knuckles dragging on the pavement.

Just got my next Moleskine just in time to catch the filling up of the previous one. The problem is that the only thing going for the contents is sheer quantity as it does not live up to the beautiful pages you can find here. I just cannot draw or lay anything out artistically thought I suspect that a large proportion of this inability is my extremely short attention span. I do so like Haribo Tang fastics. Don't you?

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Control - April 2019

‘It had nothing to do with me, but I couldn’t help wondering what it would be like, being burned alive all along your nerves.’ I. The Dispos...