Thursday, August 06, 2009

Field and Ground

Is this the least amount of matter than can remain to indicate the presence of something once living? How much of this is actually part of the original jellyfish? It takes thousands of years for humans to completely return to the earth - sometime the remains last for billions of years. This scrap of DNA and water dessicated and vanished in hours leaving just the blank space where it had been.

I'm not sure whether this is depressing or not. It does come in the wake of some pretty distressing dreams which I have been unable to spin into some thing more positive, even if I can determine the triggers, all of which have turned out to be innocuous things. After my minor despair at the continuing routines of my life and my inability to break them I did follow some of the recommendations of a commenter but one of them just resulted in me falling over when only just awake. Not that it was a very big step away from the standard morning routine but it was a start. I've still not been able to park the car anywhere else on arrival at work. The muscle memory of the drive is just too strong to override any conscious effort. This does not seem to allow for free will to exist in this part of the world just at the moment. Philosophy Now may have some of the answers but it is quite dry even if I have managed to read quite a bit of it. The last-word-type article is about names, sparked in the authors mind by the "Don't tell him Pike!" line from Dad's Army. So not all dead and heavy thinkers then.

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