Yes Pussyfooting

As is common I cannot think of anything structured to say. This seems to be happening a lot recently meaning that loads of entries here are of the Random Friday type. However, I did start a post last week which I called "Why am I right?" - a hypothetical question about why should my opionions be any more likely to be correct that anyone elses. (The first version was rubbish and I deleted it.) This was sparked by reading various forthright blogs which state opionions with no room for manouvere even if the position is obviously ludicrous. I am of course of the weedy mentality which tries to see things from all sides with the result that my opinions never coalesce into anything solid. Should I try and be more inflexible? It is standard to think that your opinions drift to the right politically as you get older but to accept this would be trying to live your life based on an episode of Father Ted. I wonder whether all those students who used to accost me with Marxism Today still stand up as Socialist Workers these days. Ramble warning has been sounded here but I'm not going to delete the post this time.

Anyway, I have been sitting here for most of the time it took to write this staring into space without anything other than abstract thoughts in my head - thinking without words I suppose it is. In the future I forsee new computer input devices which will let us record these images - maybe direct to whatever replaces blogs in the future. (Please not Twitter - but that may well be the first step.) My brother did have an idea which involved old EEG equipment linked up to computer to allow positive feedback which got me interested for a while. I have actually just been trying to get random numbers out of the stream of data that the PC returns from the microphone - someone has had the idea already though it seems that their examples used wave files to generate the numbers rather than using DirectX from the mic as I've been doing. I suppose if I could turn the output of an EEG array into sound we would have something wouldn't we. I suppose I could just go and buy an interface device. As usual this idea will fester for a few weeks before dissolving into nothing, like Lyra leading the souls of the dead to become one with the universe.


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