WARNING! Very Old Actorial Joke

Listening to The Guitar and Other Machines by The Durutti Column.

My wife actually hid the Radio Times yesterday so she could be first to read about Johnny Vegas’ Bottom. I feel like adding a ‘Geddit!???!!?’ like Private Eye’s moronic columnist Glenda Slagg.

It is sad that the version of Midsummer Night’s Dream is not in the original language but rather a modern interpretation much like the versions of The Canterbury Tales from last year. Still, a good story is a good story and Johnny Vegas with pointy ears is fascinating in itself. I tried to watch his show but he just seemed to be a very loud shouty drunk – playing to type, you say? No! Worth a go. At least the Canterbury Tales were originally in language requiring translation of some sort. I have probably already raved about them in this blog due to a crush I had on a Sixth Form girl who would list the plots as we walked home across the common where we lived. Of course, my adolescent ear filtered out the boring bits and my memory is now full of the more racy passages. I like the idea of Chaucer more than Chaucer itself. Iff Lyffe bee so muche payne, theyn coulden nott thye lyffe be forsworne for eteynety. It is code.

The notebook has come up with mention of an Oboist which refers to the winner of an oboe competition who was on In Tune yesterday. Her name is Holly Fawcett who seems to be quite web-wise as well as being a brilliant musician. I arrived home just as she was playing something by Schuman (It’s not on the playlist). My daughter was sitting on the step with an ice-lolly watching the rain and I opened the car window to let her hear the end of the piece. All this has reminded me that a modest windfall has prompted me to think about getting a digital radio at last. I was hear so early this morning and I was hoping to write so much more but things have gotten in the way.


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