Thursday, September 08, 2005

Nap Time

This is the little artists’ version of Bloodhead by Marc Quinn. Now rumours have been about for some time, that Nigella Lawson had builders unplug the fridge in which this was stored resulting in red ooze across her normally pristine kitchen. Sounds a bit unlikely and I cannot be bothered to find evidence to debunk it.

Daughter was back at school yesterday; it is her first year in the juniors. I was expecting some first-day enthusiasm instead of the usual shrug in answer to the question “What did you do at school today?” but I got a cheeky reply saying that she spent all day asleep. How can someone that age have perfected a knowing smile for such an obvious falsehood? She does not seem to be bothered about first days at school in the way that I was. I can just about remember being three and taken to nursery school. I said that I hated it and would walk home. I might have managed it as well if it wasn’t for the pesky nurses; only three main roads and a labyrinth of leafy suburban streets lay between what I considered a prison camp and my goal. I cried and cried though I seem to have only been there for a few minutes. Maybe they called my mother and had me taken away. Maybe I was just too loud. My wife was watching Supernanny yesterday and the kid on it cried and screamed which was difficult for me to take because it triggered memories of how loud I could actually cry; not that I had the language that the kid last night had. Anyway, my daughter has none of this hang-up and seems quite excited about school. It would be nice if she would tell me about it though.

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Control - April 2019

‘It had nothing to do with me, but I couldn’t help wondering what it would be like, being burned alive all along your nerves.’ I. The Dispos...