Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Some of the Ones We’ve Seen Did

I just wrote a whole paragraph about the secure turnstile at the bottom of the stairs in our foyer. I have been wondering whether it has a net loss or gain during the day. Sad isn’t it. It is a random walk of sorts if you can be bothered to chase up what I am going on about. (This is something up with which I will not put.)

My daughter said that one of the boys in her class is reading Macbeth. (I assume that this is one of the Macbeth for kids.) She said that he is going to read Hamalot next. I am sorry to say that it took us some seconds to work out that this meant the Danish play and not some book about Miss Piggy’s character from the next Muppet Movie. They do a Midsummer Night’s Dream for kids, which she may like.

I don’t want to work; I want to write. I want to know whether the full stop goes after the brackets or before. I would have known once. I am listening to Six Pianos again by the way – the Piano Circus version. This is the second time in two days. Yesterday, a tinkling teaspoon came in exactly in time for two bars, which was most disconcerting. Now would Jung have said that this was synchronicity? I am sure he would and in best Clarkson mode, I would have had to shout him down, if that was all right with you. Clarkson got pied yesterday because some students at the University where he got an honourary something-or-other disagreed with his robust stance on the environment. I like Clarkson in the same way I like car crashes on the motorway; you know they are bad and you wish that they didn’t happen but you always slow down to look as you crawl past with all the other rubber-neckers. The spell-check wanted that to be rubber-knickers – I just thought I would tell you that and of course, it may get a few more hits.

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