Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Serious Freud Office

We start with a dream. It must have been a very short one as I was certainly awake and aware of the time before it happened. I was on a Japanese island - well I was in the air above and to the south of this Island in a way that made me aware of its location on The Earth in relation to everything else - a full-scale version of Google Earth if you like. The island itself was mostly man-made, a sort of long pier like the two arms of a letter 'L' with a sort of mini-roundabout at the join. However, at one end of the pier, there was some very low-lying land- just sand and rocks battered by the sea. On descending to the island, I found that this real land was actually more extensive than it looked, with a few forests and sun-lit glades but always within reach of the sea. At some point the vertical distance between where I was and the actual beach/rocks/smashing waves was increased to the extent I could see a church built right on the edge of the ocean being smashed by giant surfers' waves. And then of course something made me look at the clock and realise that it was time for work.

... Short break for the drive to work ...

The sun had actually risen when I got here this morning, which is the first time that has happened this year. Our office is a standard glass-covered, open-plan edifice, though this floor has some blocked-in server and equipment rooms which mean that there is a long and featureless wall facing the rising sun. This creates an interesting shadow. When people get in after me, they add to this shadow until the sun moves higher and the shadows merge with the more muted cones of light from the ceiling. I have often though of this as a version of Plato's cave which I am sure makes me eligible for some potential pseuds award. Except of course no one is actually chained to their desk here which means that the intellectual meat of the issue is nothing like Plato's cave. Physically it resembles the set-up but by not existing for any more than the few minutes while the sun is in the right position it just becomes a trigger for the real idea. I have not seen the light or anything. Well just a spark maybe.

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