Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Saw Two Shooting Stars Last Night

Everything is a bit fragmented round here at the moment. I can't get started on anything meaty because I keep getting distracted by little bits and pieces but as long as I have a code and it's billable, I'm not bothered. Well I am - I like beginnings and endings - one start for one finish and now everything overlaps it just feels a bit uncontrollable.

I think I've been told off for my rant about the Idler crew yesterday. However, the next section of the QI issue was what the writer described as a "squib" about William Morris who within it was held up as a paragon of the Idler philosophy. Now I will agree that William Morris was a great and original socialist but he was more your Islington Intellectual socialist and only had the time and money to work at what he played because of the money his family made from a Devon copper mine. It's alright though because he felt guilty about this all his life. He did also come out with some clever words about why he should not give away all his money, and he did look after the people he employed so that's alright as well.

I'd better stop this as I am sure anyone who can be bothered will be able to find much I have written regarding the need to slow down and not strive so much for rampant economic growth. The complainant (who you have probably guessed is my wife) also says that I am jealous of the man which is probably true. If I only had the money ...

Google Street View has gone live for a number of UK cities including Liverpool but unfortunately the initial images are just of inner cities and so anywhere I know is not yet covered. Apart from the house where I lived from 0-5. It makes me sad to look at it because, although the house is still there, the big lawn next to it has been covered up with another house. There was tree stump in the middle of this lawn and there is a picture of me sitting on it. I've just looked at Bristol as well and have just dropped the pegman onto the city from a great height and with amazing luck landed in the road where I lived. Which is nice.

Boiled sweet to anyone who can email me the address of the above picture.

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