Friday, December 19, 2008

Field Recordings

I have so many CDs in storage despite the fact that I have 20 odd megs worth of stuff in Digital format. There are many things I want to listen to again, the most painful of which is the long version of Jenny Ondioline by Stereolab. However, in amongst the rest are such naffness as Unlimited Orchestra by Human League and some really uncool modern jazz. I have forgotten most of it so uncovering the boxes will result in many oohs and aahs. Watch this space - again - and again etc. Having to be satisfied with listening to Peng! again which is rhythmic enough to keep me going for now. Currently the song is Stomach Worm ... which is nice.

We were discussing maths this morning as one of us has a degree in it (and is mentioned in some of the manuals he actually has to read). We got back on to why zero factorial is 1 rather than zero. The short answer is if it isn't then a lot of things break down and the long answer is far too long to go into here apparently - I looked at a few web pages but they started my narcolepsy off again so I stopped. Am I strange in that I quite relish the idea of doing some mathematically related stuff over the Christmas week?

Finally spotted the gr'ocers apostrophe.

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