Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Ruskin Speared. All Ego and no Id

This makes us look like professional ramblers - it's a pity that I can't walk more than 100 metres without gasping and calling for a copy of the Guardian and an Americano.

So - were you expecting my ribald poem? Hard Luck!

Notes from today are - Accelerating raindrops and continuous memory dump to paper. I think that someone actually has attempted to note down every little thought in pages of diaries. All I can find immediately is Ian Breakwell's Continuous Diary which is not what I am after at all. I seem to remember an American man with lever arch files full of stuff. It looks like that will have to remain in the aether along with the web page of the man who documented everything in his house.

Daughter was dressed an hour before having to leave for school this morning. For some reason she is desperate to get back to school. Now I'm not sure if that is parents pushing or peers pulling. Son starts school tomorrow though he has been in nursery for a year of afternoons only. Why is school so much more exciting these days or do I just remember the days when I didn't really want to go?

I've just been told off for the rationalism of my thinking in terms of doubt and uncertainty. I hate these arguments because where one person believes in airy-fairy stuff you cannot use logic to convince them otherwise. And if they say something which wanders over the line into offence, they take a step back and use some post-modern argument to justify it - though basically that always boils down to "I was being ironic". You cannot destroy the rigour of modern science by arguing that it fails to accommodate the more intuitive thought processes of women (and you can argue about whether that distinction is true anyway). At an extreme you cannot prove a theory by saying that it "feels right" - Relativity and Quantum theory are so counter-intuitive that they will never "feel right" to anyone. Extensive theorising, experimentation and research can help you KNOW that something is right - feeling never won a Nobel prize. Feeling is for art and music - for sensing the wind on an autumn day, for love and happiness. Knowing is for building things - for working out how the world works. Even if my idea that the details of the very big and the very small will retreat forever from our increasing ability to understand them holds true - we still have to be rigorous and firm in our research that leads towards that understanding. I refer you to joke number 3567 - the one with the Scottish sheep.

Well this entry certainly proves that I am a professional rambler - well certainly a keen amateur.

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