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The Museum of Lakeland Life from

Daughter came home with the story of two boys running in opposite directions around a big circle in the playground yesterday. They were screaming "We're supposed to be deeeaaad! We're supposed to be deeeaaad!" I was then treated to the look she gave them - a look I have seen many times - serious face, sideways glance, slight toss of the head - much contempt. It is at least positive that the boys had got some idea of how the LHC works and I'm not sure if they were gratefully relieved and joyful at not being dead or just taking general mickey out of anyone who did believe it was going to suck the world in. I think they are due to begin colliding in the next few weeks - let's hope one of the teachers picks them up. This morning, the tiles by the bath were decorated with some coloured letters arranged to say "lhc worked" which is quite strange I suppose. Anyway, both of my kids were running around the big circle of paving in that picture up top just a couple of weeks ago. Should have made them go in opposite directions - we might have found something important.

For a hoot - and I make no apologies for my pointing and laughing at sentences such as this - something from a message board (boiled sweet to anyone who can locate it).
What a waste of money as this would never prove anything about the Bang unless a different bag they were doing at the time as black holes would be the end. Oh wrong bang then but if there was nothing how could there be something like atoms then they started moving and the hit each other to cause the Big bang so what made the atom particles and then made them move so in this theory there was always something before the big bang ad before the atoms existed oh well what a mistake when common sense tells you even if they made the bang it does not prove anything.

Somewhere in there might be something about what was around before The Big Bang, something which collided to start it all off ('Branes were the last idea I heard about) and the stream of consciousness does colour it with a slight Joycean tinge but in general it is just rubbish. I could fill the Blog with stuff like this but I don't have to 'cos someone with more time than me has done it for you. It's a bit ribald and forthright in it's mickey-taking but funny with it.

My notebook has the phrase "anything else I want to talk about" after the notes about the above. Well today has been very busy so far. I have deduced that a server volume was full from an intermittent fault email about a file being missing, tracked down some access rights issues which have been mystifying us for days and managed to produce a new version of software for installation. Unfortunately, I have a fault call to work on now. Back on your heads.


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