Thursday, September 25, 2008

Accoutrement-led Television

Much as I admire the BBC I am beginning to wonder about their remit and whether desperation has set in. Hole in the Wall is a new celebrity vehicle from the BBC and does exactly what etc... I realise that my indignation has been bigged up by Charlie Brooker at the Guardian rather than by actually watching it, though of course that omission will have to be rectified this Saturday. My wife actually read out the summary in The Radio Times and of course we have to watch it. For five minutes at least.

To warn you, today is a nugget-led entry, the next one being the fact that Reginald Bosanquet once broke into his ex-wife's flat, an offence which led to him being removed from the judging panel of Dustman of the Year 1975. Please don't ask why I was reading about Reginald Bosanquet. All I can say is that wikipedia caters brilliantly for the butterfly mind.

Next up I have just discovered that the local paper for where I grew up now has message boards to reply to the letters page. I wonder how many of the pensioners who supply most of the missives to this organ ever get to see the flames that are posted in response to their musings.

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Control - April 2019

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