Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Heat - The Dust - It's Not November You Know

Listening to - The Hum Of The Air Conditioning.

Well actually there is no aircon here so I'm not actually sure what the hum is. Whatever it is, it's less annoying than The Aphex Twin 'playing' sandpaper on his decks. I suppose he could have played a Sandpiper but it sounded like sandpaper. I also wrote to a colleague on another site about the rabbits 'gambling' on the grass which provoked mirth at the thought of Hazel, Fiver et al, green shades on heads, raising and calling like some rabbity western bar scene. To be honest they don't actually gambol; just race off as soon as someone comes in sight.

Some children had to be rescued from the mud after going out to visit the furthest Gormley statue they could see. Always been at the back of my mind that one, but the beach already has permanent red-flags because of the mud.

Some serious-minded reading for you if you are that way inclined. Don't bother if you are trying to forget.

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