Thursday, May 29, 2003

Growing up Normal

Soundtrack - The last broadcast - Doves

Not Tubular Bells 2003 as the copy protection leaves 2 second gaps between the tracks when played on my CD ROM drive. Why does it need tracks? The original had two tracks one for each side. Maybe they should release it on Video. It is not only me who is not happy. There are suggestions that you record it to mp3 using line in from normal CD player but is it worth the bother. Tarnishes the enjoyment somehow or is that just my own black mood at the moment? Having said that, the following book made me really happy.

I cried at the end of Where did it all go right? One of the reviewers on Amazon said he was waiting for the author to say something negative about someone. Why does he have to? He was not sickly sweet just honest. We all change over the years until we take on a mature outlook (well some of us do anyway - loads of ostensiby adult people seem to want to behave like they are 7) and in some people this becomes a desire to be thoroughly nice blokes ( a non gender specific word I must stress but Blokesses just does not seem right).

Sticky days. The city looks a bit blasted and washed out in the distance though of course it is the same as it was last week, last year, last century. Nothing really matters to us does it. I will still have food and a home to go to.

New Soundtrack De Materie - Louis Andriessen

twenty minute rant regarding the sale of bits of those wonderful lakes to anyone other than the people who owned them in 1929. Commander Walker lived for the sea. Out in the ocean he felt at home more than any other place including beside his wife in the cool shelter of the farm by the lake. This story starts by those lakes. She left me for the first time before she became beautiful and I fell down among the mines, broken and destroyed by the loss of it all, prepared to lose my leg or my life by stepping on one of those dark and evil things. Throw us a handful of stars and we may be happy for you. Poetry is wasted on all of us. make up your own poetry and live your life by it. We are staying alive in the 21st century. Will we see the next one either individually or as a race? Halley's commet coming around again. 1986 was the last time. Nineteen eighty four dead and gone we thought and now here it is 19 years too late. 19 years! There was a baby crying the night I stepped out with the binoculars to see that comet and now they have left school. Down with the criminals of Bristol Docks or up with the angels in the hospital. I don't care where. Of course there were more than one and all of them must be touched by that great ice ball. Born under the sign of chaos and ranting forever about what happened to them that night when the stars tried to kill them. Sell that water and we all might as well roll over and die. dE sTIJL de stijl DE STIJL. Pronounce that correctly and we credit you with an operation on the NHS. Intellect re-assignment they call it. Transplanting IQs and emotions into machines so that they may be stored for all time. Misanthropic sounds all over the shop! Where is the exclamation Mark! A linear poem is always the best - it goes on so long and if you are clever it can end where it starts, loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and in the Wake of Spike Finnegan. A portrait here, a sketch there always of artists and young ones at that. Stanley Spencer was a strange cove a bay of very unusual coping stones. That resurrection almost made me want to die so I could come back in the opera that is Cookham Churchyard; climbing out of those tombs into the green and sticky summer of post war EnGlAnD. Is that chair to sit on or is it part of the display? You could never read that book; it means nothing and the guy replaced all the exclamation marks with semi-colons, half guts and other obscure punctuation - or maybe no punctuation at all. Of course all those children don't exist those days in any circular sense for their playground has been wiped out by commercial pressures so of course this is just a

Told you I was stupid. Put that on your grave and smoke it. Broadway Boogie Woogie. They are bright; very bright like neon and Argon and cellulose burning in the fire. Drop Magnesium into the fire and burn your retinas away like a little fatman.

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