Wednesday, May 01, 2002

Random Art from the Edge of the World

I have a picture of some ice-bound outpost in my mind at the moment. I don't know why. It's a bit like that annoying tune which gets inside your head and plays on an endless loop all day just because you heard somebody whistling it. (On a side issue, does anyone remember the short little tune which Richard Briers used to whistle at random intervals during "The Good Life"?) I wish I could trace the start of all this white stuff in my head though it's not particularly annoying (certainly not as annoying as the theme from the "A-Team") and indeed is quite calming if concentrated on. I once read a short story in Omni about a girl who had lost her arms and legs in a tanker explosion which killed both her parents. I think it was by Orson Scott Card but I can't remember the title. In the story, the girl told her therapist (The narrator) that she was to swap places with a spacegirl called Anansa; The space in the ship was just right for a small person with no arms or legs. I seem to remember a description of the gentle sounds which could be heard as the ship sped across space and this is what I can hear along with the pictures of the white stuff. If someone can tell me the title of the story then the email is :-

A bit of serendipity for you now. Orson Scott Card has a link to a page called "Lost Books" which is worth a look. And does anyone remember a British TV show called "Serendipity"? I can find no references to it. AND did you know that "Serendipity" has been voted the Nation's favourite word (Though it was in 2000).It would have been onomatopoeia but no-one liked the sound of that. Next, in this list of random found sites, go here even if it is only for a laugh. I think it ranks with the Pylon website though the testcard page looks more interesting.

I had better post this lot before I go to sleep.

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