Disappearing in a puff of Logic
From the "Talking Point" on the BBC News website
From looking at the anti-euthanasia postings in this forum, it seems that most of the arguments are based on quite flimsy logic. Thus platitudes like; 'the sanctity of life', or abstract concepts such as 'mother Nature taking its course' are too easily bandied around. What does "Mother Nature taking its course" actually mean? Surely humans have the ability to intervene in any number of moral and ethical issues purely by virtue of their sentience? Surely if Mother Nature were to take her course more often then there'd be no room for life prolonging procedures such as transplants and resuscitation in A and E departments. Surely the way forward with such a contentious issue is to keep an open mind, engage in dialogue & be pro choice?
Martin K, London, UK
I sometimes feel unable to put controversial stuff on the post but this posting sums up a very dangerous subject. As you have guessed what I really mean is that this sums up my feelings on the subject. It seems that "Sentience" in some peoples' minds is actually blind faith and fingers in the ears when other people express opinions. Arguments about God fall down now because of the awareness of other Religions. Who is right? "I am right and you are wrong" seems like a cop-out. Religion is a door to spirituality and different people use different doorways. The basic tenets of most religions (might I add even Witchcraft) are found in what have traditionally been regarded as "Morally Correct". The ADDITIONAL tenets of "my religion is the one true one" seem to be added by various bands of humans to justify their own life and culture and deny those of others. Maybe God does create the basic moral aspects of ALL the religions. It is us fallible and weak human beings who pervert them for our own ends. I remember reading about attempts by philosophers to determine what was the oldest language by bringing up infants in the absence of language, the argument being that the "right" language for humans would be the first and this is what an uncorrupted baby would develop. All rubbish of course. But extend this to finding the "True Religion" and you show up the absurdity of both.
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