Thursday, May 02, 2002

PS - Self reference

Martin has asked me to include this reference which he thought of.

In France if a bakers is a Boulangerie and a Cake shop is a Patisserie then a shop selling Mechanical Astronomical Visualisation Devices would have to be an Orreryerie. Try saying it out loud. Click here for a picture which I find rather special. I suppose it could be in an Orreryerie and the guy on the left is saying "Dashed fine device sir!. I'll take one for the drawing room and two small ones for the nippers". I first saw this picture in the "Ascent of Man". It must have been in colour when it was on the program but it is in black and white in the book. The colour version is so much better. If you would like to see more pictures by Joseph Wright then click here.

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